Kalani Staudacher's Portfolio

Kalani Staudacher

These game assets from my team's game, "Apathetic Apothecary", from WingHack's Hackathon last month. I entered the hackathon with a game development team hoping to get some experience in C++, but ended up spending the hackathon trying (and failing) to get the SFML library working on my computer. Without it, I wasn't able to help much with my team's programming, so I made a lot of game assets.

I love being part of game design teams, so it was a great experience for me. It was really fun to brainstorm game mechanics and characters. I learnt a lot from the other members of my team, Julia and Willow, and have enjoyed continuing to develop the game with them. Julia is a talented artist, and it was a fun challenge for me to try and draw these pieces in line with her style. All of these are my own drawings, but the mushroom wizard's design was a team effort. Willow came up with the concept and Julia drew a sketch. I thought it was a great mascot, and redrew it digitally with added details.